Dinner Meeting – ISO 50001 — Taking Energy Management from Boiler Room to the Boardroom

Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The January 2014 IndyASQ Dinner Meeting will be held Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at the University of Indianapolis.


From the Boiler Room to the Board Room” emphasizes that the topic of Energy Management is no longer strictly an engineer’s domain.  Corporate leaders want to know how their energy use affects financial results, how it impacts strategic continuity of operations (think Smart Grid or MicroGrids), how it complies with legal mandates and how it meets social responsibilities (think Sustainability).

This presentation gives an overview of the newly created ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard.   ISO 50001 establishes international standardization and certification in the same way that ISO 9001 does for quality or ISO 140001 does for environmental impact.  ISO 50001 requires an organization to establish, implement, maintain, and improve an energy management system, enabling systematic achievement of continual improvement in energy performance (energy efficiency and energy conservation).  It is built on the Plan-Do-Check-Act model.

A few case studies will be reviewed (Schneider Electric, Indianapolis Zoo).
Location:  University of Indianapolis, 1400 Hanna Avenue, Indianapolis, IN  Schwitzer Student Center

Meeting Agenda:

5:30 PM Check In
5:45 PM Brief Workshop
6:00 PM Announcements/Dinner
7:00 PM Speaker
8:00 PM Meeting End

Fee:  $12.00 Prepaid / $15.00 at Door CASH/CHECK

Food:  Dinner is served buffet style with vegetarian and fresh fruits/salads available

Parking:  Parking restrictions in student lots are enforced from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM during academic year.  If an area is not marked as a parking stall, it is not intended for parking
Register at: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/asq-jan-2014-mtg-iso-50001taking-energy-management-from-boiler-room-to-the-boardroom-tickets-9778370369